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Volcanic Ash Returns

Right on the heels of the economic troubles Europe is facing, the volcano in Iceland has decided to make things even harder, especially for the already stressed holiday resorts of southern Europe.

“Civil aviation officials on Sunday said a drifting, dense cloud of volcanic ash is "rapidly encroaching" on British airspace, forcing the closure of airports in Northern Ireland.

The National Air Traffic Service said a no-fly zone has been imposed over parts of Northern Ireland, and no flights are going in or out of airports in Belfast or the Isle of Man.” -AP News -
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A quick look at wikipedia revealed some troubling information concerning Eyjafjallajokull’s eruption history. The last major eruption the Volcano had, which was less than 100 years ago, lasted 2 years. If this cycle stays with our current situation, the aviation industry will have some heavy losses for some time to come.

Volcanic Ash Could Reach Greece

The cloud of ashes after the eruption of the Eyjafjallajoekull volcano in Iceland may reach Greece on Tuesday, Greek Antena TV reports. The national meteorological service prognosticates Northwest wind in Central Europe, Italy and the Balkans, including Greece, which may bring the volcanic ashes on the territory of the country.

As of April 22, the winds in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea and in the Balkans will change their direction to West-Southwest and even if the ashes reach Greece, they will be pushed away from this area again.

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