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Going On Holiday - Want WIFI?

Many resort towns around Corfu and Greece in general, have installed free wifi for all to use during the summer season.
In the resort town of Sidari, the antenna has already been installed and with fingers crossed, we'll have signal by the start of the summer season.

For those living in Sidari or those that have been here before, the antenna has been placed on the roof of the mayor’s building, right next to the town church. From the rumors I’ve heard, the signal should be good for about 200m in each direction but those are just rumors.

In terms of limitations and security, I’ve heard nothing but one wonders how significant the bandwidth will be during the peak season? Especially, if people are going to use the connection for downloading media, which places a huge strain on the network - we shall see.

Volcanic Ash Could Reach Greece

The cloud of ashes after the eruption of the Eyjafjallajoekull volcano in Iceland may reach Greece on Tuesday, Greek Antena TV reports. The national meteorological service prognosticates Northwest wind in Central Europe, Italy and the Balkans, including Greece, which may bring the volcanic ashes on the territory of the country.

As of April 22, the winds in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea and in the Balkans will change their direction to West-Southwest and even if the ashes reach Greece, they will be pushed away from this area again.

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