Corfu By U

Take Control Of Your Holiday

CorfuByU Forum: Corfu, Blog, Forum, Discussion and Chat it up


Facebook and Twitter

Another addition to CorfuByU - Social Networking. We have added Facebook and Twitter links to CorfuByU, so stop stalling and friend us!!! We plan on using Facebook as a massive address book for all the people that use and visit In turn, those individuals can network and exchange information on Corfu or their experiences. Twitter will be our version on CNN - allowing all our followers to be up to date with all news and special summer deals we offer. Twitter is a great site and we highly recommend people join up - but be’s addictive!!

Almost There....

Almost there....The site is coming along beautifully and as more and more local businesses join in, it will become amazing! Every time we speak to local businesses, not only do we ask for their information but we also ask for ideas/suggestions/changes and anything else they might think the site needs. Well, now is your chance! We want to ask our readers what changes or additions needs. All comments are welcome - negative or positive - as long as they are respectful. Help us get ready for summer 2010 by sharing stories from summer 2009!! How was your holiday?

Important: When commenting in our forum, all you have to do is click on the "comments" link on the bottom/left of each entry. A comment window will open with a bunch of different options. If you would like to be a regular visitor and comment frequently, you can login with either your Yahoo Id, Google Id, Blogger Id or any other Id you might want to use. Of course, we would love it if you would be a regular visitor so we can build a community. You can also set your profile settings, which includes email notifications for replies, profile picture and other settings. If you have any questions about any of the forum options, just comment here or email us by clicking here.

Welcome To Corfu By U!!

Welcome to the grand opening of!! We are pleased to announce that the site is up and running and that some services are available as of right now. There is a lot of work that still needs to be done and we hope that by the end of September, most things will be in place. If you run across any bugs or links not working, please drop us a line, either by commenting in this blog post or by emailing us by clicking here.

If you have been to Sidari or Corfu before, we ask that you come on and share your holiday experience with us, and especially with those possibly interested in spending time here. Share both good and bad, upload pictures, and tell stories. Give valuable advice to one and all. For those of you who have never been here, but are considering a holiday on a Greek Island feel free to chat in our blog and ask questions of those who have been here before. Don’t hesitate to
contact us as well with any questions or concerns you may have.

We will do our part by providing you with all the information we believe to be important. We will give you options! Find out about cheap flights, renting accommodations, great dinning, exciting nightlife, fun activities, the best beaches, safe and reliable transportation, available day trips, and all the important information you might need in order to prepare yourselves for a relaxing, yet fun holiday in Sidari.

Have A Question, Why Not Ask??? Contact