Corfu By U

Take Control Of Your Holiday

CorfuByU Forum: Corfu, Blog, Forum, Discussion and Chat it up


Facebook and Twitter

Another addition to CorfuByU - Social Networking. We have added Facebook and Twitter links to CorfuByU, so stop stalling and friend us!!! We plan on using Facebook as a massive address book for all the people that use and visit In turn, those individuals can network and exchange information on Corfu or their experiences. Twitter will be our version on CNN - allowing all our followers to be up to date with all news and special summer deals we offer. Twitter is a great site and we highly recommend people join up - but be’s addictive!!

Facebook and Twitter

Another addition to CorfuByU - Social Networking. We have added Facebook and Twitter links to CorfuByU, so stop stalling and friend us!!! We plan on using Facebook as a massive address book for all the people that use and visit In turn, those individuals can network and exchange information on Corfu or their experiences. Twitter will be our version on CNN - allowing all our followers to be up to date with all news and special summer deals we offer. Twitter is a great site and we highly recommend people join up - but be’s addictive!!

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